
As a Catholic school, the Christian vision lies at the heart of all we do. Religious Education is an important part of the curriculum at St Brigid’s.

We recognise that students come from a range of faith backgrounds, are at different stages of faith development and have various levels of faith commitment. However, we are committed to living and teaching our Catholic faith.

St Brigid’s responds to the differing learning needs of children through the provision of a curriculum offering differentiated learning programs. The Victorian curriculum provides this framework.

Students and teachers have both indoor and outdoor learning areas available to them which encourage and facilitate flexible learning, including ample scope for play and other creative activities.

Electronic communications, information and learning technologies are integral to the school’s learning environment. Both students and staff at St Brigid’s have ready access to these technologies in all learning areas, indoor and outdoor.


Learning and Teaching

We are committed to ensuring success in the competencies of literacy and numeracy, as well as a knowledge and understanding of our ever-changing world through inquiry learning from a Catholic world view, faith and life inquiry.

We see ourselves as a community of lifelong learners and provide an environment that is challenging, stimulating and fosters creativity

The units of work cover the content outlined by the Victorian Curriculum in a holistic way and are underpinned by an inquiry approach to the learning and teaching.

Units are clustered around four big concepts that cross many of the domains in the Standards. The focus goes from teaching topics to using topics to teach and access deeper, conceptual understanding.

Information and Communications Technology

Information and Communications Technology is an integral part of the learning and teaching process at St. Brigid’s, incorporating access to internet, email and network facilities. It is currently used across all year levels to enhance the learning and teaching in most learning areas.


At St. Brigid’s we have a music specialist with the students attending a lesson every week.  Music education at St. Brigid’s is very skill based but with a strong emphasis on developing a child’s confidence and creativity in expressing themselves through music.

Japanese – LOTE

St Brigid’s students learn Japanese from Foundation level. The LOTE Curriculum aims to develop knowledge and understanding of both the language and culture of Japan. We celebrate annually by holding a Japanese day where students are immersed in the Japanese culture.

Physical Education

Students have specialist Physical Education lessons weekly. Students are encouraged to develop basic skills of Physical Education that enable them to participate to the best of their ability in minor and major games.


All students at St. Brigid’s take part in a Science Technology Engineering Maths lesson on a fortnightly basis. Class teachers attend the specialist lesson and also provide student support during the lesson. Students can use Robotics, iPads and other resources as they are available for use at school.

Science & Sustainability

At St. Brigid’s we have a Science and Sustainability teacher.  Students have a Science and Sustainability lesson every week, these lessons aim to encouraged to develop their natural curiosity and are supported to discover answers to any questions. Students learn about biological, physical, chemical, earth and space sciences. Allowing our lessons to also incorporate our school garden, encourages connectedness to our world and nature. This experience can enhance the quality of experience and participation in life.



At St. Brigid’s, literacy skills are explicitly taught through in a literacy block as well as being integrated into other areas of the curriculum. 

Skills are practised and information is presented in a meaningful context.
In order to become good readers, writers, spellers and conversationalists, the following three skills are constantly re-enforced through various literacy activities:

  • Understanding the relationship between letters and sounds (phonics).
  • Using the correct spoken and written grammar. 
  • Learning to gain meaning from texts.

All attempts are encouraged as each child develops at his or her own pace. The teacher is constantly models reading, writing, spelling and oral language skills in a variety of situations. Children are encouraged to take risks as they apply strategies and develop skills in their daily use of language. 

We promote the children’s enjoyment and appreciation of literature by encouraging the reading of a variety of materials both at home and at school. Library books, take home books and RAZ kids (online books) are all opportunities for children to share literature at home by:

  • Reading books to another person.
  • Reading books with another person.
  • Listening to a book read by another person.

When reading at home, the main focus is to nurture an interest in literature and a love for reading.
At St. Brigid’s we also offer support to students in the early years, through our intervention program and small reading groups.


Literacy Intervention

Literacy Intervention is a form of literacy assistance, which aims to accelerate children’s progress in reading and writing.

Each year, some students in Years One & Two, who may be having difficulty learning to read and write, are selected for a series of Literacy Intervention lessons. Literacy Intervention enables children to become active and independent readers and writers, better able to join in on the daily literacy activities of the classroom.

Selection of candidates for literacy intervention occurs in consultation with classroom teachers, and the series of lessons are conducted by our support staff under the supervision of classroom teachers and our Learning Adjustment Leader. 

The number of lessons required varies from child to child, but the series of lessons is usually completed within ten to twenty weeks. Small group lessons are held regularly and each lesson runs for approximately thirty minutes.

Parental involvement and support is welcomed and encouraged, as reading at home with children is one of the best ways that parents can contribute to their children’s successful acquisition of literacy skills.




At St Brigid’s students are taught Mathematics with strong foundational skills to enable both every day and real-world applications, as well as a firm basis for future numeracy studies. 

To achieve this, St Brigid’s Mathematics Program incorporates:

  • The use of the Victorian Curriculum from Level F-10 to guide the teachers’ focus in the areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry as well as Statistics and Probability.
  • Pre- and Post-testing for each unit of work to enable the teacher to understand each student’s strengths and weaknesses, provide targeted teaching for each student, and measure their progress.
  • Building a strong understanding of the place value system and how numbers work.
  • The teaching of maths skills which build up on prior knowledge and challenge students to achieve the next level.
  • Mathematics lessons which include a variety of strategies, teaching methods and opportunities to practise the skills in multiple ways.
  • Building the students’ mental strategies to solve real world and everyday maths problems and to enhance their understanding of how numbers work.

Extending Mathematical Understanding

Extending Mathematical Understanding (EMU) is an early intervention program to assist mathematical learning.

This program Extending Mathematical Understanding results in accelerated mathematical learning and increased confidence for young ‘at risk’ students. A specialist teacher implements this daily intervention program, and children participate for between 10 and 20 weeks. This program is research based and aims to enhance children’s number learning, and prepare them to benefit fully from the regular classroom mathematics program.


At St Brigid’s Primary, all students are engaged with eLearning practices that prepare students for future technologies. Students engage with learning, not only about eSafety, Global Citizenship and Digital Literacy, but about the practical use and care for different technologies. 

All St Brigid’s Primary staff actively work to create an environment where students and teachers can learn together to solve new technology challenges in a safe and trusting environment. All staff aim to empower children to practice problem solving themselves wherever possible and help students learn from mistakes in an attentive and responsive environment. 

Throughout their time at St Brigid’s students engage with learning that encourages eSafety practices so they understand the importance of protecting their personal information and what to do when things go wrong. 

Students engage with Digital Literacy learning, through both STEM and classroom tasks, to help them understand how technology works, when and where technology can be most effectively used and how to use technology to take responsibility for their learning and the direction it takes. 

As future Global Citizens, as students become more fluent with their Digital Literacy skills, they are invited to explore global issues that require modern solutions and engage with their moral responsibilities when engaging with others online. 

Throughout their schooling, all students are invited to actively engage in building their confidence and adaptability while exploring new technologies and investigating the different challenges those technologies can present.

Excursions and Incursions

Excursions and incursions are an important part of the school program.

  • Supervision of children at these outings is very strict and your child is well protected.
  • Attendance is compulsory.
  • Each excursion is an educational experience designed to complement classroom learning.
  • Parental permission is essential before children attend excursions.
  • If a notice is not returned prior to an excursion your child will not be able to attend.